8 Essential Products for National Preparedness Month
It’s National Preparedness Month, in case you haven’t heard. FEMA sponsors this annual event with the goal of educating the masses on how to prepare for an emergency. So get ready! You never know when calamity’s going to strike. There’s a lot to consider in this day and age—natural disasters, biological threats, economic collapse. That’s why we need to take precaution in our homes, our schools, and our businesses. Quick! Take a look at some of the following products … some of them may save your life.
Global Sun Oven - $259
Available at Green Cupboards for $10 off with code BACK2SCHOOL, you get the power of the sun to cook your food. Solar energy is the new frontier, and Global Sun Oven harnesses the heat from the sun to bake, boil and steam a variety of foods. They say that sunbaked roasts are tastier and more succulent too. The Global Sun Oven reaches temperatures of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, making it the perfect portable companion for a post-apocalyptic world.
InstaFire - $5 a pop
My Food Storage sells the InstaFire, and through promocodes.com, you can get free shipping. InstaFire consists of recycled wood, inert minerals, and a paraffin blend. In just a few seconds you can have a fire burning in the palm of your hand. Simply pour a ½ cup and light it.
Black Berkey Water Filters - $107 for a 2-set
The most vital resource of all—water. Berkey Filters sells these sweet water filters that are so powerful they can remove food coloring from water without removing minerals your body needs. Each filter has a life of 3,000 gallons, equating to 2 cents per gallon. What a deal!
Volcano Grills - $259.95
CampSaver is offering the Volcano Grill for 20% off with code ROCKIES20. What makes the volcano grill special is its ability to use a variety of fuels—liquid, wood, and coal. This versatile grill will allow you to cook with pots, pans, griddles, or open-flame. It’s collapsible, meaning you can take it anywhere. You can also use it for a Dutch oven, if you’re into that sort of thing.
360 Serving Package - $719
The ultimate prepper package, the 360 Serving Package guarantees 3 servings of food per day for 4 adults. Wise Food Storage is currently offering it for 5% off, plus free shipping. It contains cheesy lasagna, tortilla soup, granola, and other yummy fixings. A back-up food supply is essential, and Wise Food Storage provides other options for a spectrum of different needs.
Swiss Champ XLT - $175
The Swiss Champ XLT features 44 different elements, including screwdrivers, scissors, pliers, an even a toothpick. It’s a toolbox in your pocket! Find it at CompSource and receive a lifetime warranty. It’s the perfect accent for your preparedness—everything you need for life in the wilderness.
Guardian SKDG Dog Survival Kit - $63.99
Can’t forget about the pooch! Can you imagine Will Smith without his beloved German Shepard in I Am Legend? He wouldn’t know what to do. The Guardian SKDG Kit is available at Air & Water, where you can currently get $5 off on purchases over $50. It features a package of emergency dog food, water pouches, 10 purification tablets, a mylar emergency blanket, and much more. It has a life of 5 years, or 35 dog years.
SteriPEN - $49.95
REI carries the SteriPEN, a product so simple and convenient, it’s amazingly useful for emergency situations. It sterilizes water by destroying 99.99 percent of protozoa, bacteria and other viruses. SteriPEN has been used in hospitals for its ingenious use of UV radiation. Water serves a variety of purposes, such as consumption, cooking, sanitation, bathing laundry. Having the SteriPEN there to back you up will improve your chances of getting out of a dire situation unscathed. REI is offering 15 percent off with GearMail Sign-Up, dropping the price down to a beautiful $42.00.
Clothing and Gear
From left to right—the Atacama Pack 28L, the Nano Puff Jacket, and the Klean Kanteen 27 oz. Brought to you by Patagonia, which is currently offering 30 to 50% off web specials, you can find an assortment of essential insulation jackets, backpacks, and water carriers that’ll keep you comforted in even the harshest conditions. Also try Rock Creek (20% off items with code 25YEARS), The North Face (free shipping), and Outdoor Divas ($5 off orders of $50).
Don’t let disaster leave you without a pot to boil water in or a window to throw it out of. The most important thing you can do is get prepped, because you never know when the world might put you through the ultimate test.