JUN 11, 2014Home & GardenSummer Cooling: Quick Tips to Reduce Air Conditioning CostsHere’s a quick rundown of the ways in which you can effectively reduce air conditioning costs.
MAY 21, 2014Home & GardenStores That Price Match OnlineSeveral companies have even gone as far as competing with online stores including Amazon. Here is a list of stores that price match online.
MAY 20, 2014Home & GardenNational Pet Month: How to Save Money on Pet ExpensesNational Pet Month is on its last legs here on the 20th day of May. It’s a thirty-day stint dedicated to promoting responsible pet ownership, and a way to raise awareness of the role, value and contribution of service animals to society.
MAR 20, 2014Home & Garden5 Ways to Conserve Water BetterWhen water is sustained properly, gallons will be saved and money will stay in your wallet. Here are five ways to conserve water.
NOV 15, 2013Home & Garden9 Free and Inexpensive HobbiesLiving on an extreme budget doesn’t have to leave you sitting in your dark apartment eating rice pudding. I know—most great hobbies are expensive.
NOV 4, 2013Home & GardenDiary of a First Time Homebuyer: Ch. 3 Making an OfferSo far I’ve given you a step-by-step of preparing to buy a home and searching for the right one, but many first time buyers think that once they’ve found a home to make an offer on, the work is over.
OCT 30, 2013Home & GardenNational Cat Day: Gifts to Give to Your Cuddly Ball of JoyYesterday was National Cat Day. I feel quite bad about it, as I let it pass by without giving a second thought to my beloved kitty.
OCT 22, 2013Home & GardenDon't Fear the Apron: How Home Depot Associates Can Help YouYou walk in. Your footsteps echo off the concrete floor. Towers of shelves filled with appliances, fixtures, and tools loom high above you.
OCT 4, 2013Home & GardenDiary of a First Time Homebuyer: Ch. 2 Shopping for a HomeIn my last diary entry I shared my experience with getting finances in order to get approved for a loan to purchase a home. With that out of the way we moved on to searching for actual properties to make offers on.