Easter Basket Inspiration For $25 Or Less
Like any holiday with a special emphasis on little gifts for kids, Easter can get expensive. Baskets, for example, are pricey when you start looking at pre-prepared ones, but if you research how much they would be if you assembled them yourself, you'll quickly realize that you can save a bundle. So let's do it! Easter is closing in, but you can order from all these places and get two-day shipping or same-day, in-store pickup.
Let's stay with the foundation – the basket. These can be surprisingly expensive if you're not careful, but they don't have to be. There are a couple options you can take advantage of – the first is the easiest, of course, and can be picked up for a song from Walmart or Amazon. Look for plastic or wicker baskets that can be decorated with cut-outs of your own design, an adorable name tag, or even some simple ribbon. However, if you're really pressed for time, consider snagging the "non-basket" basket. For online shoppers, check out CVS's little buckets for a song, in gender-neutral colors. If you're stuck in-person without options, werecommend snagging something at the Dollar Tree or Home Depot.
And on to the fillers! If you're stuck for time, you may not have that plastic "grass" that usually fills each basket. If you're scrambling, grab some colorful sales flyers and cut them into slim strips. The paper has the same effect, and kids won't know (or care) about the difference.
Let's say that you're good for the basket itself, but you're ready to start working on the fillers. Have we got options for you: take a look at these basket themes, all for under $25.
For everyone (and not just the kids)
Fill this basket up with novelty candy scored from none other than the Dollar Tree. The shop has an impressive stock of little-known treats, and plenty of individually wrapped candies, so you can stock up on seasonal pieces along with perennial favorites. This is the cheapest basket, and yet many times delivers the most bang for your buck.
For the animal lover
Get creative! Kids love to see Fido looking cool, so a new harness is a good buy. If you’re adventurous, grab a little doggie visor or maybe even booties. This is a perfect excuse to stop at Amazon and create a “Pet Profile” if you haven’t already. Add a stuffed animal to the basket as a final touch.
For the outdoor lover
Look for unusual items that every sports enthusiast will appreciate: a cooling towel, a multi-way head wrap, or a collapsible water bottle (we suggest all three). Sears is a good place to start.
For the reader
Look for gifts that keep giving over time: a year’s worth of an audiobook membership, a gift card to a major bookseller, or a couple books that kick off a series (because what reader doesn’t like plunging through a series?!).
For the scientist
Fun stuff for a scientist includes magnifying glasses, a microscope (you can get one for $15!), or a cool kit like a crystal-growing set (for well under $10!).
Perhaps this goes without saying, given your current destination of choice online, but we're still going to bring it up: we know you can save even more by simply checking out the options on our site. Promocodes.com always has your back, and this is no exception.