Finding The Right Gift For The Person Who Has Everything
Are there people in your life who seem to have everything? Sometimes, we struggle to shop for people because we run into the same issue repeatedly: they have what they want, they get what they need themselves, and they don't hint to needing or wanting anything else. Here’s how we fix the issue: we go for the practical gift.
We took a look at Iolo and recommend it to anyone who's looking to surprise the un-surprisable with a practical gift guaranteed to get you a "thank you." Why?
Iolo is the kind of holiday present that people simply don't buy for themselves. There's always something to get for another person, a bill that needs to be paid, or a family essential that must be purchased right away. But, when you think about it, Iolo products are actually one of the best gifts you can get.
What is it? Only a system that gets your computer back up and running in no time (and it's easy to install, too). It’s a popular solution, and it doesn’t require a lot of knowledge about computers, either. Here’s how we see the scenario: you bring the gift announcement in a little card and prepare yourself for actually installing your present that afternoon. When you give someone Iolo, don’t leave it for them to procrastinate about. Make it happen! It’s part of the present.
Here are your gift options:
- System Mechanic: This is a general cleaner-upper, with advanced tune-up features to boot. Clean your hard drive, repair your registry, and optimize your settings.
- Privacy Guardian: Keep your internet searches on lockdown with this special program that keeps searches private, stops digital profiling, and keeps ad trackers from following you around the interwebs.
- System Shield Antivirus and AntiSpyware: Have you ever had a computer just DIE one day after a virus burrowed itself deep in the system? Avoid experiencing that again (or experiencing it for the first time) with System Shield. With this program, you can shop, bank, and do just about anything without worrying about your security.
- Drivescrubber: Donating computers to charity? You can ensure that your personal information stays safe with this program. Maybe you never thought that this was even an option (if so, join the club!). We cringe to think what’s left behind on computers all the time.
There’s also a great, easy way to test Iolo for yourself: get a free PC check on the site before you gift the software to someone else. It only takes minutes, and when you are done, you get a personalized report of any problems found, plus recommended fixes. It takes a look at startup speed, downloads, CPU speed, and graphics, and that’s not all. It’s a great solution to remove errors, pop-ups, and malware, too.
Happy Shopping!