Fitting Fitness Technology for Every Body
Getting in shape is an increasing problem in America. Health studies suggest our living habits have led to a decrease in making smart, healthy lifestyle choices. Growing up, I’ve always been a sports enthusiast. I’ve played soccer, basketball, and softball most of my life then learned to surf and horseback ride before I transitioned to being a second place pole vaulting champion my senior year of high school. Starting college, my fondness for football and volleyball increased, but now, working in the real world, my dietary needs are at a crossroads with how to stay active and balanced.
Like many, I enjoy working out at the gym but find it a pain to go. My daily exercise routine has turned into about every other day, and the sports I love playing consume too much time trying to balance two jobs. All of these reasons are excuses, though. While there is nothing healthier than a good night’s sleep, eating at McDonald’s and driving through Starbucks on the way home from work does not help my exercise regime nor give me the needed energy to take a walk around the block. We all can change our daily habits with a little determination and there are many companies urging us in that direction. All you need is the right fitness technology.
MIO Alpha assists in monitoring your exercise routine. Not only has the brand been recognized by top athletes like Chris Leigh, professional tri-athlete runner, but it is also an award-winning heart rate monitoring system for any newbie runner to high-endurance competitor. Created by a young fitness enthusiast, Liz Dickinson, MIO Alpha became the first strapless heart rate monitoring sports watch to provide athletes with a continuous comfortable heartbeat count at a variety of performance levels. It’s advanced LED lights and electro-optical cell technology helps to sense the pulse of blood.
Psychologically speaking, too, the more you are aware of your body, the more you want to take care of it. MIO Alpha heart rate monitors allow people to not have to go to the gym to get the best results. It can be used for sports or calculating the reaction of your heart rate going through its daily routines. Being aware of your body makes working out that much more effective.
You can also physically put your body to the test. Total Gym is that in-home training system to fit the workout routine and schedule of anyone. While celebrities have advocated Total Gym, it takes people from every day walks of life to really ensure the product’s success—people like you. Total Gym allows people to work nearly every muscle in their body, from arms and back to chest, legs, and abs, and even provides a routine for daily pilates exercises. The product can be adjusted to fit both men and women and it costs less than a gym membership which requires consistency regardless of your schedule. People can even try Total Gym in a 30 day trial for only a dollar.
I know personally I prefer working out at home than getting dressed and having to drive to the gym. It can be fun at times, especially if you use the “buddy system”, but for the most part I would prefer working out in my PJ’s or watching television in the comfort of my living room while exercising. Sports are one element of exercise where I intend to be social but when I want to target the personal areas of my body, I prefer to do that alone. Total Gym gives people that option, and right now, you can save 50% with the Total Gym XLS trainer during their New Year’s special. With that seasonal offer comes an extra 10% discount on your order, a free AbCrunch, and a free 5 DVD set. This is a savings of over $300 on your workout, not to mention a great way to succumb to the entirety of your New Year’s resolution to get back in shape.
Another neat product on the market that can fit into your home is the Health Rider trainer. While some equipment focuses on building core strength, this product features ways to boost your cardio. When I played basketball on my high school team, I learned a lot about balancing strength building with cardio—or so I thought. When I trained on my varsity pole vaulting team, I quickly learned the difference. Having played so many team and individual sports, I thought I had a taste of it all, but training for track and field was nothing I had ever felt before. We were in the gym weight lifting, running laps every week day, and doing military-style exercises to increase our vertical and speed. I didn’t intend to, but I lost about ten to fourteen pounds in a month, simply because my running and cardio exercises dramatically increased. While people should not expect those results because body types all vary and the metabolism for individuals rise and fall with age, I learned how important cardio was for my health.
With HealthRider’s “hybrid trainer” product, you can go from a low-impact bicycle workout to an advanced endurance elliptical machine in a matter of minutes. This provides a well-rounded workout without having to leave your house. The company also provides other exercise machines to fit any type of cardio routine and while the prices may be average, it will still be at your convenience, not that of your local gym. You will also be saving money since their quality equipment has a “safe shipping guarantee” and an extended warranty available for your purchase just to be safe.
It is important to remember that with finding the right exercise to fit your schedule you also have the proper workout gear. Road Runner Sports provides one of the largest, most affordable and fashionable lines of running and walking shoes. This online store also carries quality apparel, footwear, exercise accessories, and basic dietary products such as protein bars, drinks, and chews. You will also find top name brands on their site like Nike, Adidas, and Reebok.
Road Runner Sports’ VIP Membership even gives customers an exclusive first year deal to save 10% on all orders and have access to free shipping year-round. Having access to everything you need for your workout saves you time shopping so you can get out and exercise quicker and more efficiently. It just makes sense to prepare for any activity you take head on.
I think that the brilliance and fun of exercise has long been forgotten by many. We take too casually to our health because we have so much going on in our lives but exercise is exciting! It raises our energy levels and lets us live longer, healthier, independent lifestyles. There is confidence in feeling good when you look sharp and happiness being able to find serenity learning a new skill. The body’s strength in mind and heart is only as powerful as we make it, and there is no better way to start than by getting outside today.