Jingle Paws: My Guide to Gifts for Dogs
It’s safe to say that I’m basically obsessed with my dogs, Mumble and Louis. Mumble, our seven-year-old Mini Rat Terrier, was the first dog of my very own. She’s sassy, loves me more than anyone, and is basically the most fabulous ever. Louis (pronounced Louie, unless he’s being naughty then it’s Sir Louis Reginald III), is a five-year-old Shih Tzu/Maltese mix that can eat ANYTHING and still live, is fun loving, a seasoned napper and as dumb as a box of rocks. Basically, my children are perfect.
With the holidays here, I’ve literally bought for everyone on my list … except Mumble and Louis. While I love them more than I can ever put in words, I usually don’t buy gifts for dogs. In fact, they don’t register on my holiday radar at all. For instance, once my dog groomer asked me if Louis celebrated Hanukkah or Christmas so she could pick the proper holiday scarf accordingly. I responded that I never thought to ask him what holiday he celebrated. She looked at me like I was nuts, but in my defense, she essentially asked me what religion my dog observes. I finally told her to put a Christmas scarf on him as that is what I celebrate.
We’ve never spoken of that day again and this year she put him in a non-denominational holiday scarf.
I digress though. So any who, I was checking e-mail this morning and 1800PetMeds sent me an e-mail asking what I’d gotten my dogs for Christmas. EEK! Do people do that? So I polled the office of fellow animal lovers and found out that they ALL buy their animals holiday gifts. Am I the Scrooge of Pet Christmas? I’ve decided to turn this around. I will never leave Mumble and Louis off the Christmas shopping list again. Now that it’s getting down to the wire though, I had to do some gift searching and FAST! So here is the round-up of gifts I bought my little furry loves:
For Louis
Louis would like just about anything. He’s so easy to please, but he’s been known to murder plush toys so those are out of the question. He needed a new bed though, so I went on over to Petco and found an AMAZING Yoda Pet Bed. I found a 15 percent off coupon and even saved some money!
The next thing I got Louis was really more of a gift for me than him, but I found such a respectable Formal Black and White Bow Tie Collar on PetSmart.com and decided he absolutely needed it for his next formal event.
For Mumble
What do you buy the discerning diva with such fanciful taste and a sensitive stomach? I decided Mumble needed a stylish collar as well, but perhaps one she could wear all the time. So I found this little gem that I just couldn’t live without:
Then I headed to 1800PetMeds and bought her the Loofa Santa Dog Toy because she loves those things. I got 5 percent off too using a coupon I found so I also stocked up on flea medication while I was at it.
Now all of my gifts are on their way and Mumble and Louis should feel truly appreciated when we celebrate Christmas. Happy Holidays from my family to yours!