Reasons You Should Take A Spring Break Vacation
Spring is upon us and that means it is time to travel! There’s nothing worse than the feeling you get when you’re sitting inside and staring out the window at the beautiful weather, knowing you can’t go out and enjoy it. That’s why we want to give you the push you need to take that much needed vacation. All work and no play doesn’t make for a happy camper or a productive one. Yep that’s right - Taking a vacation isn’t just fun, it’s good for your health! It is important to give yourself time to clear your mind and recharge, outside of your daily routine. Let us help you plan the perfect spring break vacation on a budget that you can afford to put that spring back into your step.
Find Your Oasis
If taking a long vacation just isn’t in the cards, try finding a few long weekends when you can get away from the craziness of your life. While it is great to get away for an extended period of time and really let go of everything, taking shorter vacations gives you something to look forward to throughout the year. Finding a hotel where you feel comfortable and know what to expect every time will help with your relaxation. Best Western thinks it is important too, which is why they reward you for staying with them on more than one occasion. Meaning if you stay at one of their hotels two times before May, you will receive a $25 Best Western travel gift card! With hotels all over the country, you will never have to worry about not knowing where to stay. So hit the beach while staying at Best Western San Diego or take a nap at Best Western Chicago after indulging in some deep-dish pizza. Wherever your life adventure takes you, Best Western hotels are there to make it an amazing experience.
Make Vacation a Priority
Have you been extra snappy towards your coworkers or burning the midnight oil too many nights? Those are just two signs that it might be time to take a break. Aside from hurting relationships with those around you, working yourself into the ground can be extremely detrimental to your health. It is proven to make you more stressed and tired, while also directly impacting your physical health (think stomach ulcers, heart disease, and depression). If that already doesn’t have you packing to do some traveling, how about that you are giving away time that you have earned? You work hard day after day for those benefits your company provides. Not using them is just silly. If you are just simply nervous about taking time away from work, here are a few ways you can use your vacation to boost your performance:
- Get Inspired: If you are in a creative position, what better way to boost your creativity than to get out and experience new things. Keep a journal while you are away and if something inspires a new idea, write it down. Don’t worry about it being a good or bad idea until you get home. Then you can review it all and see what you can actually use at work.
- Get a Different Perspective: Getting out in the world and seeing new places, meeting new people, and trying new things can give you a whole different perspective on life. Channeling other viewpoints will make your work stronger and you a more well-rounded employee. It is a win for you and your company! Most people also love talking about themselves and what they do, so vacations are a surprisingly great time to network. Use that to your advantage and strike up conversations when you can.
- Company Bonding: If everyone seems a little lackluster around the office, taking a trip with your whole team somewhere can bring everyone together and create a more collaborative and dynamic work environment. Whether it is a weekend of trust exercises or relaxation together, it will give your team a chance to unwind while also building lasting relationships. Make it something that everyone can look forward to, year after year.
Hopefully we have inspired you with a few reasons why taking a vacation is so good for you, but we only just scratched the surface. Make it your mission to take a break for a few days this spring and book some last minute travel excursions with Best Western. You’ll thank yourself...we promise!