Spring Break Travel Ideas to Save You Money
Spring is here bringing us more sunshine, fewer layers, and fun trips all season long. We should clarify, fun AND affordable trips. The age of expensive spring break trips is over, and we are here to teach you how to get the most out of your time off this year. In case you missed it, taking vacations is incredibly good for your health, so try and, at least, take a few three day weekends. We can help get you ready, so check out our tips on how to have an amazing time but still stick to a reasonable budget:
Find Spring Break Destination Deals
Instead of having a specific destination in mind when you are booking your spring break trip this year, start by shopping the deals. Maybe you’ll even find a trip to someplace you never thought to go before and can avoid the crowds. Once your flights are booked, you can do all of the research you need to make your trip an unforgettable experience. While it might not be the way you are used to planning your vacations, making decisions based on how much you can spend helps you stay on budget. We have a variety of Expedia coupon codes that can get you an amazing price on vacation packages all around the world. Take a little time and see what you can find. Maybe this is the year you take a cruise or fly to Europe. You never know what you will find until you look.
Spend Where It Matters
If you have a set location in mind, at the very least don’t overspend on your hotel. Your trip should be more about the experience than overpaying for a place to sleep unless you plan on spending most of your time in your hotel room. Find an amazing deal on a hotel using a Hotels.com coupon, courtesy of us, and then get out and try some local restaurants, attractions, and events! If your hotel does have amazing amenities, make the most of the money you are spending and take advantage of everything they have to offer. Don’t be afraid to do things on your own away from the hotel or resort; you can get away from the surge prices and have an authentic vacation. Rent a car, talk to some locals, and look like an experienced tourist this year on your spring break trip.
Make A Spring Travel Budget
It might seem obvious, but once you have made your travel arrangements start making your budget. You can either set it up formally with a program like Mint.com or go the old fashioned route and use the envelope method to store cash away. This way you ensure you only spend the amount of money you can afford and won’t be tempted to just swipe your card and deal with the consequences later.
Once you enter vacation mode it’s going to be very hard to want to worry about anything other than relaxing and enjoying yourself. Prepping before you leave will not only help you manage your money better, but it can also help you avoid any stress of booking activities or making reservations. Leave some room for surprise expenses, but do your best to avoid purchasing excessive souvenirs. Those add up quickly and aren’t really worth the price. If you stick to your budget, you won’t regret taking any time off this year.
Be A Pro Spring Break Packer
Learning how to pack can make a huge difference on the costs you incur while traveling. The last thing you need to be doing is buying suntan lotion, hats, sweaters, etc once you make it to your destination and prices are surged. Avoid this by packing in advance...or at the very least not waiting until the morning of. Check the weather and plan out your activities so that you know exactly what you’ll need. If you are prone to overweight baggage charges, this will help you save even more money because you won’t just be blindly throwing in everything you own and having to pay even more at check in. Really challenge yourself and try packing so efficiently that you only have to bring a carry on bag! If you are escaping to a warmer climate, a few bathing suits and coverups are all you really need right? Traveling should be fun, so don’t weigh yourself down with a ton of suitcases and bags.
Say goodbye to winter in the best possible way and start checking out the spring break destinations that work best for you this year! Whether you’re hitting the beach, exploring a new city, or just taking some time to yourself, treat yourself to an experience that will give you the rest and relaxation you deserve. Once you decide what you want, we will get you started with amazing spring break travel deals. Enjoy your adventure!