Spring Cleaning Tips to Clear Out Your House Not Your Wallet
Spring is here. Along with spring comes spring cleaning! Cleaning doesn’t have to be difficult and revamping the house doesn’t have to be expensive. You can follow some basic spring cleaning tips to clear out your house and save your budget as well. If you want to get more in depth you can do that as well!
Clean that kitchen
Spring cleaning in the kitchen usually means a thorough clean from top to bottom. While this may be ideal, a simple cleaning can work wonders as well. Start with the cabinets and examine for old or expired foods. Make a list of the things you are throwing away, in case you’d like to buy them again. Chances are if they’re old or expired, you didn’t miss them in the first place. Go to the refrigerator, and do the same process as the cabinet cleaning. Additionally, take out all food and give it a simple wipe down. If you want to start a new diet, now is the time! Stock that clean refrigerator full of healthy goodies. A wipe down of all surfaces, a good sweeping, and mopping should be a great refresher for your kitchen.
Brighten up the bathroom
Cleaning out the tub and tiles is the first order of business. If you continually clean the shower daily or have no shower tiles then you’re in luck! Examine the medicine cabinet for low stock or expired items that you may need to replace. Make sure that you have the necessities such as a first aid kit, and thermometer. If you want to freshen things up, try new towels in spring colors such as a pastel pink or soft blue. Even changing the shower curtain can change the feel of the bathroom as well.
Create a brand new bedroom
The bedroom can be the most difficult room to clean if there are a lot of items or clutter. Start with the closet and discard anything that you do not need. If there are Items that you haven’t worn more than a few times or in six months, you should consider if you really need them. Additionally, if the closet is the place that houses many different types of things, consider installing an organizational system so that it can be neat and organized. The bedroom itself should be free of clutter. Try unconventional means of storing things such as hair products in an over the door shoe hanger in the room or a wall mounted spice rack to pick up smaller things and keep them out of the way. Freshen up the space with brighter curtains and throw pillows or new sheets and a throw cover.
Liven up the living room
The living room is probably another one of the high traffic rooms and could benefit from a deeper steam cleaning if you have a wall to wall rug, or even an area one. Vacuum the couch and any other furniture as well, to remove dirt. Replacing doormats, and couch pillows can be a welcome change too. If desired, even changing the wall décor can make a difference for the “feel” of the room. If there is clutter, try purchasing (or making) furniture with dual purposes, such as a wooden crate coffee table. You can find materials at a store such as Home Depot or Michaels.
Have a beautiful basement
The basement is the space most often used for storage and laundry. If possible sort through storage to see if anything can be discarded. If there is nothing that needs to be thrown away, try to create an organizational system or use a storage system to organize. If your house has many members, purchasing a few three compartment laundry organizers can really keep the laundry piles neat and inconspicuous.
Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be intense and difficult. If you desire to do more, it is recommended to clean out ducts, gutters, and other parts of the house that do not receive usual cleaning. If that is not affordable, utilizing an air purifier or asking a friend for help can be other ideas. Of course, all rooms can use a dusting, mopping and sweeping, but if you’re doing that regularly then it should be an easy task when spring arrives! Oh and don’t forget to use some aromatic spring scents!