Unique Ways To Create A Garden When You Don't Have Room

Unique Ways To Create A Garden When You Don't Have Room

Magen Sanders

Magen SandersMay 24, 20183 min read

Greenery is in when it comes to home décor and what better way to add some life to your home than with garden and plant décor? Nothing says bright and friendly home than fresh flowers, the scent of a full herb garden or some nice home-grown seedlings for tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers. Unfortunately, not every home or apartment has room for a garden of HGTV’s dreams. Here are 4 ways to create a garden and bring some life to your home when you don’t have the room or the cash.

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Go Vertical

A great way to get around the spacing issues is to build up. By creating a vertical garden, you can make do with limited square footage and still practice the art of a green thumb.

Something that adds a little artistic design flair is vertical wall gardens. Real or not this visual addition provides the look of the outdoors you want without taking up space in your home or backyard and is an inspired way to get garden vibes with ease. Want the real thing? Build it yourself! There are plenty of DIY projects you can use to create a vertical wall garden that saves space and still allows you to get the modern gardener look you want. Just get the right tools and supplies to create your own and build it out of palettes, reclaimed wood and even old metal tins and buckets and create a unique garden installation.

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Make It mobile

A unique way to save space with your garden is to make it mobile. Use a small wheelbarrow or a metal cart planter on wheels and move it where you need it. Keeping your garden stationary is a thing of the past, being able to move it out of your way depending on your backyard activities is a great way to optimize space.

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Use Unique planters

The traditional large round potted plant or huge square planter box is a space invader. The bulky shape tends to take up room that you just don’t have. Instead, get creative with your planters and find unique shapes and sizes to create ornate planters and installations that save space and become a focal point. This tall aluminum planter is a great way to open up your space and still get some greenery in the mix. Use it for tall fresh herbs or something like wheatgrass to utilize the limited space effectively.

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Hang it up

We went vertical and we tried mobile, now let’s suspend it. Use a drill and some hooks to create hanging planters and gardens that save floor space but still create a unique outdoor look. Whether you weave a basket to fit a ceramic pot or go au natural with a rooted look you can find ways to suspend different plants like succulents, ivy and even snap peas to make use of the space above your head! Build is the perfect place to start when you want to save space and create a garden oasis for your home but have a limited amount of space. Create your dream garden in the sky (or on the wall) and save when you use Build.com coupon code PROMO30 to get $30 off an order of $500 or more.