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How to Save at CityPASS
CityPASS Coupons
CityPASS was founded in 1997 by Mike Gallagher and Mike Morey. The objective was to create something affordable that would give customers memories that last a lifetime. CityPASS gives you access to a lot of the best attractions you can find in North American cities at a price that’s half the normal you’d pay. With CityPASS, you get enough time to enjoy a destination and connect with people on your trip without having to worry about missing out on something because you don’t have enough time. Thanks to CityPASS deals and offers, you get a lot more for a lot less.
So, how do you get this amazing pass that gives you more than what you paid for? It’s easy and you can do it from the browser on your computer or phone. Under the Menu, you’ll find a list of destinations you can explore. The list includes Atlanta, Chicago, Orlando, New York City, Seattle, Toronto and many others. If you already know where you want to go, you can choose the city from that list. There are also some travel insights and tips in the CityPASS Scrapbook to guide you on planning your next trip like the Southern Carolina virtual attraction tour. Each city has details of the different attractions you can see, plus the ticket prices for adults and children and any available CityPASS discounts are also listed there. You can book your pass as a mobile ticket sent to you via email, or get the traditional ticket booklet shipped to you.
You can learn more about each ticket before you purchase it by clicking on ‘Learn More’ under each destination. This will give you a chance to look over all the attractions available and research them to see if they’re something you’re interested in. All mobile tickets expire one year from the time you purchase them. If you buy booklets instead, you can check the inside cover to see the expiration date, which is typically at least a year from the date of purchase. All CityPASS tickets are valid for 9 consecutive days, with some exceptions for tickets for certain cities.
Most of the tickets can only be used for a one-time admission to the attractions and that includes CityPASS, C3, C4, and C5 tickets and booklets. Orlando and Southern California theme park tickets may give you more than one day’s admission, although that depends on the tickets you bought. Depending on the type of ticket you have, you might have skip-the-line, straight-to-entry, or expedited entry benefits at some attractions.
CityPASS Shipping Policy
CityPASS ships to addresses in the United States via UPS at costs that vary by destination and delivery method selected. You can also have the CityPASS booklets shipped to your hotel in the U.S. or Canada. Having the booklet shipped to you before you go on your trip has many advantages including skip-the-line privileges, plus maps, CityPASS coupons, and more details on the attractions you’ll be visiting.
CityPASS Return Policy
There’s a 365-day risk-free return offer, which means you can get a full refund on any unused CityPASS products up to a year from the purchase date. All partially used, lost, or stolen products are non-refundable. If you’re returning a CityPASS booklet, you’ll have to arrange return shipping via a traceable method. In case your travel plans change or you can’t use your tickets for any reason, you can submit a refund request on the website.
CityPASS Saving Tips
When you’re choosing a pass or ticket to buy, make sure you compare all the options available to see which one gives you the best deal for less. You can also use CityPASS coupon codes from to get a discount on your booking.