Credit Reports and Scores
Find promo codes and coupons from Credit Reports and Scores stores and brands. New offers added and verified March 27, 2025.
When it comes to your credit score, it’s true what they say: “Knowledge is power.” Receiving a comprehensive credit score is the first step that you need to take before improving your credit. If you’re interested in credit reports to buy a home, qualify for a loan, or receive a lower interest rate - you’ve come to the right place. With coupon codes for companies like Experian, Credit Sesame, and Smart Credit - you can receive a credit report for less.

43 Offers Available IN Credit Reports and Scores
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Receive up to 30% off Sale Items when you activate this Credit Nerd coupon.
Build your credit while you save. Start monitoring your credit score at no cost with Self Lender.
Get CreditMonitor for only $999 at Dun and Bradstreet when you click this promo.
Activate this promo to open a free account to get free credit report at MoneyTips.
Sign up to newsletter and get an extra saving for your next purchase when you click this ChoiceCreditScore promo.
What's your FICO Score? Find out now with a purchase of your Experian Credit Report for $1 with enrollment in Experian CreditWorksSM.
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Credit Karma watches your credit reports, and with its free credit monitoring, it'll alert you when there's a change. Use this promo to sign up.
Activate this coupon to get 1-Bureau Monitoring Plus Credit Reports for $19.95/month. Discover extra discounts on Credit Reports Plans at myFICO.