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Today's top SINGLES SWAG offer: 30% Off. Find 33 SINGLES SWAG coupons and discounts at Tested and verified on Mar 13, 2025.
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Singles Swag Review: Smart Choices with Singles Swag

Singles Swag focuses on a woman being happy regardless of relationship status. They know that a woman can feel happy simply by her viewpoint and way that she regards herself, others, and the world. Singles swag is happy to make women look and feel good about themselves, while also giving them strength as well as inspiration. SinglesSwag operates as a monthly subscription box for single women! The box contains various feel good items that a woman would appreciate and would help her feel beautiful both inside and out. These include organic bath products and organic beauty products. There are unique and fashionable accessories, as well as artisan foods! Additionally there are surprises in the box! You can subscribe to two different size boxes. They are Singles Swag or SIngles Swag Petite. Singles Swag allows you to receive 6 to 7 full size products while the petite version comes with 3 to 4 products, also full size. Once you choose your box, you then choose a plan. You can choose monthly, 3 months, or 6 months. Choosing the 3 or 6 month plan can save off a couple of dollars when considering the overall cost. For even bigger chunk of change in your pocket, you can visit for online coupons. You can also give the box as a gift, which is actually a suggestion by the retailer and works the same way as if you were purchasing the subscription for yourself.