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Positive Grid Promo Codes

Today's top Positive Grid offer: $10 Off. Find 4 Positive Grid coupons and discounts at Promocodes.com. Tested and verified on Mar 14, 2025.
4 Coupons Validated yesterday

Top Positive Grid Coupon Codes

These coupons and coupon codes have received the highest click engagements by Positive Grid users.

  • $10OFF

    Take $10 off Bias FX 2 Elite when you use this coupon code at Positive Grid.

  • UP TO50%OFF

    Receive up to 50% off Sale Items when you apply this Positive Grid coupon.

  • UP TO50%OFF

    Activate this Positive Grid coupon to receive up to 50% off Select Guitar Amps.

Most popular offers this week
  • UP TO30%OFF

    Receive up to 30% off BIAS FX 2 All Access Bundle when you apply this Positive Grid coupon.

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  • SALE

    Shop Positive Grid's Spark 2 Carry Bag for only $54 when you reveal this promo code.

  • SALE

    Shop Positive Grid's Spark 40 Traveler Gig Bag for just $30 when you reveal this promo code.

  • SALE

    Shop Positive Grid's Personalized Spark 2 Grille for only $45 when you reveal this promo code.

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How to Save at Positive Grid

Positive Grid Coupons

Positive Grid is a global music community where music lovers can visit to create new sounds, record songs, share music, and simply have fun. Founded in 2013 by a small team intent on making impact in music technology, Positive Grid now boasts millions of music lovers across the globe who visit the platform to interact and get the leading tech in music. Positive Grid has stayed at the forefront of music technology making high quality software and hardware for creating, modifying and sharing music. The Positive Grid team comprises of top sound designers, electrical and industrial engineers, scientific researchers, and programmers working with virtuoso musicians to bring you the best in music technology. Shop for the high quality music devices with a Positive Grid promo code and enjoy massive discounts for some epic sound.

Shop for the Positive Grid range of amplifiers designed to improve your music and give it an extra kick. The Spark amplifier is the newest addition to the Positive Grid collection. This device works in conjunction with the app through intelligent technology to tune your music with 10 000 tones powered by Positive Grid’s award-winning BIAS tone engine. Connect your guitar to the smart Spark amp and app that learn and adapt to your style and feel to produce realistic bass and drums. Play a song and Spark will auto display its chords in real time. Spark also has voice command, full range sound and home recording features for you to save your music. Strike your tones on the Positive Grid BIAS mini guitar made for small to medium sized gigs and recording sessions. You can also get the BIAS Mini bass for playing bass in a small, light package. Remember to get a Positive Grid discount code to get amplifiers at prices that will amplify your savings.

Positive Grid offers a set of devices designed to recreate the sound of pedals to enhance your live performances. The BIAS Distortion produces the sound of almost any existing pedal as well as creating completely new sounds and textures. You can connect Positive Grid’s BIAS Distortion to any amplifier to tap into the library of gain in one pedalboard parking space. The BIAS Delay allows you to echo and delay to take your tones to a new depth and create the feeling of space. Positive Grid uses component emulation technology to recreate the sounds of various classic digital and analog delay devices. Add an extra vibe and movement to your recordings with BIAS Modulation and get a Positive Grid coupon code to give your music an extra kick at an affordable price.

In the modern age, music is made and played on computers and having the right software could make the difference between making a hit and a flop. Positive Grid has a collection of top-of-the-range software to give your music a real yet unique sound and feel. Software like the BIAS FX 2, BIAS AMP 2, BIAS PEDAL and other bundles on offer will take your music creation and live performances to the next level. Emulate the sounds of amps, stompboxes, cabs, rack effects and more when you purchase the top music software at a discount using a Positive Grid promo code.

Positive Grid Shipping Policy

Positive Grid provides the shipping cost for your listed address and specific order on the checkout page. The shipping costs depend on the size and weight of the ordered items.

Positive Grid Return Policy

You can return any unopened orders to Positive Grid within 30 days of delivery and receive a full refund. Shipping costs will be covered by Positive Grid in the event that you received an incorrect order or a defective item. Returns are usually processed in four weeks or earlier. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Positive Grid customer support for assistance with the return process.

Positive Grid Saving Tips

Check the Positive Grid promotion page to find the top music devices on offer at discounted prices. On this page, you can enjoy shopping for the amplifiers and pedals to take your music to the next level for low promotional prices.